Pool Service – Diamond


Earn up to 600 Points.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Product Description

up to 4 hours, £25.00 each 1/4 hour thereafter

_Inspect all components:-

Replace as necessary any faulty parts covered by warranty (parts & time permitting)

Report to client on worn or defective parts not covered by warranty and agree cost of remedial work before proceeding in accordance with client’s instructions (parts and time permitting)

Inspect cover clean and treat with vinyl protector

Inspect cover – lifting device (if applicable)

Inspect Ozone (if applicable – Accessory Item)

De-scale Ozone (if applicable)

Inspect swim jets

De-scale Circulation Pump

Check Filters Degrease filters and clean with high-pressure hose

Chlorinate spa to clean any bacteria from spa and pipes. Third drain and refill

Test water and treat as necessary.

Additional information

Pool Type



Pool and Spa

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